Iron Cage helped this health company hire a new sales team, who went from appointment setting to selling a $5,000 product in two weeks.
The client was a B2C health company with strong brand recognition in their industry. They have over 600k followers on Instagram, and a recognisable founder. They sell a $5,000 course in the health space.
When Iron Cage came on board, they had one salesperson who was sitting on appointments set through strong marketing (clients had seen marketing on social media, then got on chat with a VA who walked them through a series of questions including “are you ready to buy” and “do you have $5,000”). The company wanted to increase their sales, which they couldn’t do with just one salesperson who only called appointments.
Our first step was to recruit a new team for the company, who would be tasked with setting appointments for inbound sales staff. Instead of pursuing salespeople, we specifically went after Subject Matter Experts – in this case, dieticians and nutritionists.
This is part of our process because our sales system revolves around VALUE – and subject matter experts find it very easy to create value. They understand what the founders understand about what’s important and what will fix people’s problems. So, we hire people who understand the value and then use Iron Cage to teach them to sell.
Through our hiring system, we recruited 3 new members for their team. These new team members were given access to Iron Cage, and given a training session showing them how to use the software. They were then put straight onto dialling leads.
We started off the three new team members with appointment setting – this allows them to get their legs under them with the value and offer. Their target was a minimum of 5 appointments a week for the existing salesperson.
These team members were calling leads that had a minimal amount of pre-frame. They had seen an ad on Facebook and entered their name and phone number in order to get a free report. The new team members were calling them as soon as the leads came in, without pre-emailing or any other kind of contact.
All three new members were using Iron Cage from day one – this means they had access to their appointment setting script, but they could also look at the script for the full $5,000 sale.
Halfway through the week, one of the salespeople decided that someone she was talking to was ready to buy, so she switched to the sales script and made a $5,000 sale. The other two team members set 7 appointments each.
In the second week, two of the salespeople started selling – they did a combined total of 5 sales for $25,000 — while they were still supposed to be setting appointments.
These two salespeople are now being moved to full-time sales, while the third will continue to set appointments for them. Along with the immediate cash brought into the business, they will be adding continual value to the company, and substantially increasing the bottom line.