Digital Marketer came to us with a very successful business in digital marketing, but with a gap in their knowledge around sales, and a sales team that they wanted to get performing to a level that befit their business
Digital Marketer are one of the world’s best when it comes to the ins and outs of marketing online. They have a very strong online presence and a large suite of products and courses available. They are known for being on the cutting edge in their industry, and setting the trends with their offerings. Very good at selling online, the company had recently brought on a phone sales team to strengthen their sales process. However, their team wasn’t selling, and they didn’t know why. They had previously been reliant on large seminars to fill their courses and sell their products.
We were brought into the company to do an intensive, 3-day training workshop with the new sales team. We structured this training to totally renew the team’s understanding of sales from the ground up. The team consisted of four sales people, two of whom were complete novices with no sales experience.
We began by realigning the team’s philosophy on sales, which is generally vital when it comes to an underperforming team. We teach sales as a positive experience for both parties, and we teach respectful practices such as taking “no” for an answer when it is given (this is different to handling objections when they are given!).
Next, we trained the team in our systems: our scripting, script delivery, metrics tracking, and objection handling system. Scripting and objection handling are the two big kahunas when it comes to sales, and are generally the reason why sales are falling down. We spent much of the workshop going over the strategy behind the script and how to deliver it; and how to recognise an objection – and how to handle it.
On the third day we put the team on the phone live, calling prospects and using the new systems for their calls. We were there alongside them, ready to help if they got stuck. In this way they were able to put what they had learnt in the workshop into practise, in real time.
As a result of this intensive training, the company saw a huge difference in their sales team’s performance. On the third day of the workshop when the team started calling, they sold $75k worth of program sales in 5 hours.
And the numbers only got better from there! In the week after the workshop their best performer was closing 100% of qualified leads, and the next best was closing 81%.
As a result of the training, the company added $1m per month via the sales team, who were working virtually.